Test Description


Assess the success rate of robot's ability to pick-and-place objects.

Associated Requirements Untitled (https://heathered-english-a1d.notion.site/f0170fd8ec1c4a7e941fffe24eacf259)
Equipment Stretch RE1
Personnel Lead: <lead>
Location AI Makerspace, Tepper School of Business


  1. Turn the robot on and home it.

  2. Praveen to play the role of a patient and give a voice command that is a pick-and-place task.

  3. The robot acts on the voice command.

  4. Shaolin plays the role of emergency rescue and stays on standby near the robot to be able to press the kill switch button in case the robot starts behaving undesirably.

  5. Make a note of success/ failure of the pick-and-place task.

  6. Repeat steps 2-5 for 10 times.

  7. Once step 6 is finished, kill the script, and turn the robot off.


The robot was able to pick-and-place objects based on Praveen's (patient) input at least 7 times.

Testing Results and Evidence