Test Description


Assess the generation speed of the path planning algorithm.

Associated Requirements Untitled (https://heathered-english-a1d.notion.site/4cb60d5598744817989e8192704c0114)
Equipment Stretch RE1
Personnel Lead:
Location AI Makerspace, Tepper School of Business


  1. Start the robot and home it.

  2. Using the test script, load the map of the environment on the robot.

  3. Generate 10,000 random start and end points within the given map algorithmically. The points are sampled using a uniform distribution.

  4. Run the path planning algorithm on the robot using each of the above start and end locations. The time taken to run the path planning algorithm on each of these paths is saved down in a file.

  5. Kill the script and turn the robot off.


The average time taken for path planning is less than 2 minutes.

Testing Results and Evidence

Date of Completion: February 28, 2023