Test Description


Assess obstacle avoidance against 10 static obstacles.

Associated Requirements Untitled (https://heathered-english-a1d.notion.site/8e167c5f31944978b71d759452f3bf47)
Equipment Stretch RE1
Personnel Lead: <lead>
Location AI Makerspace, Tepper School of Business


  1. Turn the robot on and home it. Check if the robotic arm is stowed.

  2. If the arm is not stowed, run the script to stow the arm.

  3. Set up a test environment with 10 different obstacles (with varying shapes and sizes) on a path from the robot's starting location to the robot's goal location.

  4. Issue a navigation command for the robot from the start to the end location.

  5. Abhinav to stay on-alert within the vicinity of the robot to be able to press the kill switch button in case the robot starts behaving undesirably.

  6. Make a note of success/ failure as the robot passes a pre-defined list of 10 objects.

  7. Kill the script and turn the robot off.


The robot was able to navigate in the desired path while avoiding all 10 obstacles.

Testing Results and Evidence

This test performed on February 28, 2023